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There’s nothing we love more than a good proposal story. And Heath & Caroline have a good one! Let’s set the stage… Caroline was planning to move to Greenville for a few months for work. It happened to coincide with Heath’s upcoming birthday, so he hatched the plan for them to celebrate 1) being in […]

Clemson brought them together. Oliver & Sara Beth crossed paths at a bar in downtown Clemson; a chance meeting that turned into a lifelong commitment 2 weeks ago, when Oliver brought Sara Beth back to campus, and got down on one knee. A Clemson proposal for the win! Planning this moment with Oliver over the […]

Meet Austin & Camilla! They grew up in Greenville, and knew of each other in high school. They went their separate ways for college, but reconnected during the time that shall not be named. (We will say, we’re here for all of the stories of our couples that utilized the lockdowns to foster relationships. Austin […]

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