Engagement season is in full swing! The inquiries are starting to roll in from excited, newly engaged brides ready to begin their wedding planning journey! We LOVE this time of year! Well, we know what an amazingly exciting and yet incredibly crazy time “I’m engaged!” can be. It can be the single most exhilarating time and […]
So you’ve been invited to a wedding. Maybe it’s a close friend. Oooor maybe you’re the +1 at your significant other’s 2nd cousin’s wedding and you have never spoken to the happy couple. Either way, one decision you will have to make at one time or another is “what to wear!” As wedding photographers, we get […]
Every year, we put together a list of our top moments of the entire year (here’s our list from 2015). Guys, we already have an early contender for moment of the year! Or, should we say, evening of the year. On Sunday, we celebrated our 2nd annual #RABRIDES party with some of the most amazing people […]